Our Curriculum

We understand how important the first five years of a child’s life are and we are committed to providing a safe and motivating environment in which your child can develop and grow at their own pace.

At Guilden Sutton Day Nursery we...

...talk the talk.

At GSDN we are champions for communication. Our practitioners understand the importance of promoting positive communication and language skills as soon as a child starts with us. Our team model fantastic use of English whilst also ensuring they extend language and introduce new vocabulary. Focused and meaningful questioning allows our children to think deeply and engage fully with activities. The use of Makaton and instruction cards strengthen relationships between staff and children and ensure that the voices of children with SEND are heard and respected. Our team have an excellent understanding of the EYFS and are therefore attuned to the development of children’s speech and language skills; relevant assessments and referrals are made promptly to ensure that all of the children in our care make the progress they are capable of. Our practitioners understand that very young children communicate through their behaviour just as much as they do through words; we recognise that challenging behaviour could be a reflection of a child’s needs, wants or fears.

At Guilden Sutton Day Nursery we learn...

...not to cry over spilt milk.

The support of children’s personal, social and emotional development is vital in the Early Years. Our practitioners understand that positive social and emotional skills are key aspects of children’s cultural capital. We encourage the children in our care to have a strong sense of self and faith in their own abilities, whilst also providing the warm and nurturing environment required to enable them to learn through trial and error. Our children understand that it is okay to get things wrong and make mistakes: these experiences help them build resilience and develop problem solving skills. Our children are ambitious; our practitioners ensure that they are aware of their potential and strive to fulfill this at every opportunity.

At Guilden Sutton Day Nursery...

…we’re aware and we take care.

Keeping the children in our care safe and nurtured is the basis of our practice at GSDN. Daily, we teach the children the importance of physical health, spending the vast majority of our time outdoors engaging in activities that see children exploring large and small scale movements. We encourage the positive wellbeing of both staff and children, ensuring that every person in our setting can see themselves as a unique individual with never-ending potential. Our in-depth knowledge of our children and families enables us to provide tailored care and advice; our parents recognise us as experts in our field and seek guidance in areas such as potty training, sleep progession and age-related milestones. The high quantity of ‘real-life’ opportunities and experiences we provide for our children ensure that we are constantly teaching them how to stay safe in their everyday lives; online safety, road safety, physical health and risk are just a few of the themes we are able to explore.

At Guilden Sutton Day Nursery we’re...

....a cut above the rest.

Real life skills are of the utmost importance to us as practitioners. The experiences that we provide allow children to develop cultural capital, setting them up for success in life. We pride ourselves on providing age appropriate resources that enable our children to develop confidence, physical skills and real life techniques. For example, our Preschool children serve their own meals, eat from ceramic plates and use metal cutlery. We would not expect this of our youngest children straight away, instead we ensure the skills needed to reach that stage are embedded early on.

At Guilden Sutton Day Nursery we...

....don’t get cold feet.

When our children leave us, we want them to be as independent as possible. Our practitioners’ deep understanding of the children in their care enables them to provide opportunities that challenge, excite and extend. High levels of communication and encouragement between our practitioners and children provide reassurance, ambition and challenge. However, our knowledge of child development means that we understand that children need help, encouragement and support when developing new skills. When establishing independence in personal care, for example, we understand when to offer assistance and when to hold back.

At Guilden Sutton Day Nursery...

...the world is our oyster.

Our curriculum is inspiring. Both our practitioners and the children in our care never lose sight of the awe and wonder of our world; they understand and appreciate the magic of their environments and utilise all that is available at their fingertips. Our practitioners are always mindful that all children are unique learners; by celebrating individuality, children learn about similarities and differences and are able to see and fulfill their full potential. We celebrate diversity in all its forms and are determined to uphold the fundamental British values of tolerance, respect and acceptance. The experiences that we provide for our children enable them to solve real life problems, explore and discover, test ideas and learn through trial and error. By maintaining positive relationships, our practitioners and children work as partners in learning; our children inspire our staff daily. At GSDN, children are treasured and the world is their oyster.

At Guilden Sutton Day Nursery we...

...hit the nail on the head.

Engaging in risky play is crucial to developing children’s curiosity, confidence and physical skills such as coordination. It enables children to act on their instinctive desire to test their abilities and explore their limits. This all begins with our youngest children; risky play can come from sensory exploration, physical activity and a desire to engage in new experiences. By ensuring our children feel safe, protected and treasured, they feel confident enough to seize any opportunity, even if it seems scary.

At Guilden Sutton Day Nursery...

...you can count on us.

There are opportunities for learning everywhere, all the time, even in the smallest moments. Our practitioners appreciate the teaching moments laced within day-to-day interactions and experiences. Sand and water play, for example, brings with it the magic of early mathematics: containers filled ‘to the top’ and buckets ‘too heavy’ to carry, conversations about who ‘has more’ and ways to ensure an ‘equal share’. Messy play, for example, brings with it the magic of art, design and science: colours mixing and shapes forming, marks being made and textures described. Our pedagogy rests on the fantastic ability of our practitioners to recognise the opportunities within the smallest moments, utilising them to ensure the best possible outcomes for the children in our care. Our planning style values the ideas of our children; the balance of child-led activities, adult-led activities and thoughtful continuous provision ensures progress

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